Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mama, I'm a boy!

So I am an admitted hippie of sorts, I like positive parenting, hugs, recycling, and natural remedies. Okay, I also love hot water, my dishwasher, and my smartphone.  So I suppose I'm a modern hippie, but you get my drift. Referring to the natural remedies, I'm loving the amber teething necklace I got for baby hippie, who is battling molars like a champ. As usual, I walk the big hippie brothers into school, baby is wearing his neckace, and of all people, the school nurse says "c'mon mama, I'm a boy and you've got a necklace on me". Ummm. Wow. My inner Zen almost evaporated in exchange for a throat punching maniac moment. Hippie brain prevailed. Whew! It was a small minded and simple statement, why did my inner loon try to make a break for the surface? But after the initial veil of red, I figured out why it annoyed me so badly. This type of forced conformity is everywhere. Boys don't wear pink. Girls don't play with trucks. Boys play football. Girls go to dance. Stop the madness! We need to raise our kids in a way that empowers them and honors them, a way that accentuates their passions. We have to stop putting them in a box, offer the sweet little girls a truck to drive and let the boys nurture a dolly. Won't daughters drive someday, and won't our sons become daddies? Take your sweet littles for who they are, don't put them in a box!!

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  1. My son is 4 months old and suddenly in love with a little stuffed pink pig. It's adorable, and he refuses to let it go, so we spend our day with a pink pig shoved in the sling beside him.
    So many comments come our way about how cute "she" is and how sweet "her" little toy is. It shouldn't drive me insane, but it does. To confuse them even more, when they ask the baby's name, I just say Pat. (It's Patrick.)

    1. PINK, must be a girl, right? Because a boy could NEVERRRR like such a thing, gasp!! ;-)

  2. i love this! my daugher is 13 months and everyone thinks she's a boy - basically based on the fact that we've chosen not to pierce her ears, that she doesn't wear pink and/or purple and that she has almost no hair. we've been asked numerous times we cut her hair like that if she's a girl... and why her name is elie (boy name in french) if she's indeed a girl. breathe in, breathe out. answer politely. walk away.

    glad i'm not alone.

    ps. your son looks quite handsome with his necklace... by the way!

    1. Well thank you! And good for you, it always makes me sad to see the little babies with pierced ears! I have 3 sons, but I would have had the same trouble, I was determined to buck the pink/purple/pastel trend if we'd had a girl. And I love Elie by the way, all of mine are E names :-)

  3. I truly loathe all the "boy" "girl" business, I'll never understand why things must be labeled that way. Just the other day while my big guys were at school I went to the craft store and bought a bunch of kiddie style crafts for the boys to make as Christmas gifts. The cashier said "ohhhh, you will have some happy little girls, huh?" because apparently it would be absurd for a boy to want to craft?? grrrrr.
