Sunday, October 7, 2012

Just stop it!!!

     So I was doing a little mindless Facebook time earlier. Some of the pages I subscribe to aren't gentle or AP pages, they're more generic parenting. Sometimes I have to call myself down from being judgy or commenting from a snotty place. I am admittedly opinionated, and I have become very set in my ways, and well, I'm a massive micromanager. But I have to remember, these people aren't perfect, an I'm not even close. Do I think I'm a better parent than I was 8 years ago? You bet. But perfect? Haaaahahaha. ha. haaa. I remember having all these parental ideals before our first son was born. I would never bribe a kid to do anything. Unnnnntil Ethan started potty training. M & M's, yeah, I did that. That was the first of many, the bottom line is, things change, and I can't feel bad about the changes. I have to embrace them and use everything as a learning experience. I realized the other day that in addition to being a lactivist, I've becoming quite an intactivist. Over the last year I have read and learned so much about how needless it is to circumcise. It's basically just the culture in the US, rather than a need based procedure. That being said, want to know why that is odd? I have 3 circumsized sons. Yep, all 3 of them. I wish I had know more back then. And though it sucks, I can't change it! Not a thing in the world I can do but learn from it. At first I was angry with myself. And then I was embarassed when other intactivists would ask. But the heart of the matter is that, as parents, there are a million things we would go back and change. Things we would tweak, things that make us wonder if we had gone temporarily insane. Want to know how many times I've looked back and thought "What the hell????". Well, how much time do you have, because it's this is going to take awhile and I won't bore you with it. What I'm saying is this, I am human. I have made bad parenting choices and I am going to make more! But I am not defined by my past choices. Did you formula feed before but want to go breast next time? Were you a prior spanker and now you want to go the AP route? Hold your head high and do what you think is best. It doesn't matter what you did before, it doesn't define you. Do what you think is right for TODAY and follow your heart! When you start beating yourself up over what you used to do, well, just stop it! You can't change yesterday, but you sure can fix tomorrow.  I have to say, the more I have tweaked my parenting by following my heart, the more my sons have flourished. Help your little ones flourish!!/ZippyHippieMama


  1. I completely agree that as parents we make mistakes and we're still going to make mistakes in the future. What you said is true, we do what we think to be right at that time. We have the opportunity of hindsight, good and bad. we also have the capacity to either learn from our mistakes or not change out ways. I choose the former.
    As for bribing children, I do it on a daily basis, whether it be for meeting them at recess, a small motivational device (prize or editable), or promising them I'll stop by and check in with them in their classroom. I like to call them all 'motivational devices' rather then bribes. Just like I 'excessively borrow' and not steal.
    p.s. I LOVE your posts and quotes.

    1. Thank you so much for reading! I know that no matter what, I will never be perfect, so all I can do is continue to do the very best and when it doesn't work, I tweak it! And that is the best I've got!
